Age of wonders 3 best specializations for arch druid halfling
Age of wonders 3 best specializations for arch druid halfling

age of wonders 3 best specializations for arch druid halfling

So I've decided to set up some ground rules and some clear goals, which should also be easier because I'm not trying to convert ahead of events that occur in my game so I can focus on one or two books at a time (particularly the player's guide to faerun, which itself exists to update FR from 3.0 to 3.5 for the most part). I got caught up attempting to revise every 3.0 and 3.5e thing that caught my whim, including the warblade, a class and combat mechanics I'm wholly unfamiliar with and issues attempting to determine whether certain conversions work directly (prestige class in 3.5e updates to prestige class in PF) or need conversion through a lense making use of the philosophy of the new system (prestige class to something else thematic - archetype, series of feats, class sub-features) and that takes a bit of a toll. I'm satisfied with a lot of the material I've made but I feel as though if I were to go back and start working on converting FR to pathfinder, I need to revise a few things and recognize that I tend to bite off more than I can chew sometimes.

age of wonders 3 best specializations for arch druid halfling

Hybrid classes, the complete intrigue, occult classes, variant rules, and so much more. Nowadays, however, I'm gaming again (as a player) and pathfinder has done. I've also been out of gaming for awhile and only letting loose my gaming energies into doing a complete overhaul of the 3.5 edition rules (that's still in the works). So it's been some years since I started my little pathfinder project and despite the fact that I all but abandoned it after my forgotten realms campaign came to an end, I've been getting messages about it and it's apparently #2 on a google search now.

Age of wonders 3 best specializations for arch druid halfling